if (/Chrome|Firefox|rv:11\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)) c13 = c19[18]; c3 = c3.replace(/%p%/g, c50); if (v3 != '') v3 = addhttp(v3); if (v4 != '') v4 = addhttp(v4); function addhttp(a) { if (a.indexOf("://") == -1) a = LR_imgurl + a; return a; } if (!savechat(1)) c38 = 0; if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") == -1) c69 = 0; var isFocus = false; var shortcut = "Enter"; var fontobj = new Object(); if (lng == 'en') fontname = 'Tahoma'; fontobj.fontname = fontname; fontobj.isbold = false; fontobj.isitalic = false; fontobj.isunderline = false; fontobj.fontsize = 14; var MaxID = 0; var wordscheckstring = "|"; var timerID = null; var newtext = ""; var newtext1 = ""; var sendingtext = ""; var presendtext = ""; var sendedtemptext = ""; var sending = 0; var autoanswer0_time = 0; var autoanswer1_time = 0; var autoanswer2_time = 0; var autoanswer3_time = 0; var chatendcheck = 1; var Intervalid = null; var owordscount = 0; function showtel(a) { var obj = $("telephone").style; if (a) { obj.display = 'none'; return; } if (c75 && Telurl == '') obj.display = "block"; } var rgstarted = 0; function RGStart() { if (rgstarted) return; rgstarted = 1; if (typeof PostCall0 != "undefined") PostCall0 = setInterval("PostCall1();", 1e4); f8("start"); } function LastFunction() { setTimeout("resizeChatWin();", 500); if (typeof f18_out() == "undefined") { setTimeout("LastFunction();", 50); return; } showtel(); if (c36) { if (v10) { f20(c10, 3, c85 + " " + GetNowTime(), true); f21(c6[0]); return; } if (LR_msg != '') { var _msg = CheckSendFormHis(LR_msg); f20(_msg, 2, "", true); } RGStart(); } else { f21(c19[22]); f20(c5 + '
' + c19[9] + '

' + offbtn() + '

', 1, "", true); if (c11 == 1) robot(); } } function LY_end(a, b) { if (a == 0) { f20(b ? n3 : c6[17], 3, c101 + " " + GetNowTime(), true); } $('tel').value = t3; } function offbtn() { return ''; } function robot() { f20(c10, 3, c85 + " " + GetNowTime(), true); f21(c6[0]); } function Trim(a) { return a.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ''); } function isTel(a) { if (lng != 'cn' && lng != 'big5') return true; var isPhone = /^0([0-9]{2,3}-|[1-9]{2,3})?[0-9]{7,8}$/; var isMob = /^((\+?86)|(\(\+86\)))?(1[3456789][0123456789][0-9]{8})$/; var isHKPhone = /^([\\+]852\s*[69]|(852)\s*[69]|[69])\d{3}\s*\d{4}$/; var isTWPhone = /^(09)\d{8}$/; var isTWTel = /^0([0-9]{1,2})([\\-]|\s*)\d{6,8}$/; var isTGPhone = /^(0[89])([\\-]|\s*)\d{4}([\\-]|\s*)\d{4}$/; var isTGTel = /^(0[23])([\\-]|\s*)\d{3}([\\-]|\s*)\d{4}$/; var isYNPhone = /^0(9([\\-]|\s*)|1([\\-]|\s*)[0-9]{1})\d{8}$/; var isYNTel = /^(04)([\\-]|\s*)\d{3}([\\-]|\s*)\d{4}$/; return (isMob.test(a) || isPhone.test(a) || isHKPhone.test(a) || isTWPhone.test(a) || isTWTel.test(a) || isTGPhone.test(a) || isTGTel.test(a) || isYNPhone.test(a) || isYNTel.test(a)); } function LY_check1(obj) { var tel = Trim(obj.value); if (tel == t3) { return; } if (!isTel(tel)) { return; } GuestTel = '|' + encodeURIComponent(tel); var bb = 'tel=' + escape(tel); if ($('ccode1')) bb += '&ccode=' + escape(Trim($('ccode1').value)); bb += '&id=' + escape(LR_websiteid) + '&sid=' + escape(LR_sid) + '&cid=' + escape(LR_cid) + '&lng=' + escape(lng) + '&p=' + escape(c50) + '&e=' + escape(LR_ex) + '&un=' + escape(LR_un) + '&ud=' + escape(LR_ud); LR_hcloopJS(LR_sysurl + 'lr/sendnote160711.aspx', bb); } function updateIMg1() { $('telephone').style.display = 'none'; } function inputfocus(obj, a) { if (obj.value == getAttributeValue(obj, 'defaultval')) obj.value = ""; obj.style.color = 'black'; if (!a) obj.style.border = "2px solid #82C6ED"; } function inputblur(obj, a) { if (obj.value == '') { obj.value = getAttributeValue(obj, 'defaultval'); obj.style.color = 'rgb(153, 153, 153)'; } if (!a) obj.style.border = "1px solid #D5D5D5"; if ($('LY_pmt')) $('LY_pmt').innerHTML = c6[1]; if ($('tel_P')) $('tel_P').innerHTML = c6[13]; } function hiddenC1(wy, sobj) { sobj.style.backgroundPosition = wy + "px -50px"; } function showC1(wy, sobj) { sobj.style.backgroundPosition = wy + "px -100px"; } function getAttributeValue(o, a) { if (!o.attributes) { return null } var b = o.attributes; for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { if (a.toLowerCase() == b[i].name.toLowerCase()) { return b[i].value } } return null } var if_list = new Array(); var uploadtype = 0; function showContent(i) { var tar = $("toolsbar1"); tar.style.display = "block"; tar.style.right = ""; tar.style.left = "181px"; resizeChatWin(); if (i == 1) { tar.style.height = "210px"; tar.style.width = "360px"; if (if_list[i] == null) { if_list[i] = document.createElement("DIV"); with (if_list[i].style) { width = "100%"; height = "100%"; overflow = "hidden"; } tar.appendChild(if_list[i]); if_list[i].innerHTML = ''; } else { if (if_list[i].style.display != "none") { hiddenContent(); return; } if_list[i].style.display = "block"; } hiddenContent(i); } if (i == 5) { tar.style.left = ""; tar.style.right = "136px"; resizeChatWin(); tar.style.height = t0 + "px"; tar.style.width = t1 + "px"; if (if_list[i] == null) { if_list[i] = document.createElement("DIV"); with (if_list[i].style) { width = "100%"; height = "100%"; overflow = "hidden"; } tar.appendChild(if_list[i]); if_list[i].innerHTML = t2; } else { if_list[i].style.display = "block"; } hiddenContent(i); } if (i == 4) { if ($("weixin_img") == null) { tar.style.height = "210px"; tar.style.width = "300px"; } else { tar.style.height = $("weixin_img").height + 35 + "px"; tar.style.width = $("weixin_img").width + 20 + "px"; } if (if_list[i] == null) { if_list[i] = document.createElement("DIV"); with (if_list[i].style) { width = "100%"; height = "100%"; overflow = "hidden"; } tar.appendChild(if_list[i]); if_list[i].innerHTML = '

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' + c27 + ":" + c37 + '
' + c41 + ':
' + c42 + ':
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' + c27 + ":" + c37 + '
' + c41 + ':
' + c42 + ':
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' + strFileName + '
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' + strFileName + '
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"none" : "block"; } if (typeof ii == "undefined") { $("toolsbar1").style.display = "none"; } } function SetFont1(fontobj1) { var obj = FreeTextBox1_editor.document; if (!fontobj1) return; fontobj = fontobj1; f22(); f7(); } function SelSmile1(smilesrc) { if (smilesrc) { if (f18_out() == c13) { f19("", false); } var ele = document.createElement("img"); ele.src = smilesrc; ele.border = 0; var obj = FreeTextBox1_editor.document.body; var targetEl = obj.lastChild; var parentEl = targetEl != null ? targetEl.parentNode : null; if (parentEl == null) { obj.appendChild(ele); } else if (parentEl.lastChild == targetEl) { parentEl.appendChild(ele); } else { parentEl.insertBefore(ele, targetEl.nextSibling); } f7(); } } function f19(text, add) { var obj = FreeTextBox1_editor.document.body; if (add) { obj.innerHTML += text; } else { if (!obj) return; if (text == c13) { obj.style.color = 'rgb(153, 153, 153)'; } else { obj.style.color = 'black'; } obj.innerHTML = text; } } function ConvertFontsize(size) { return "10pt"; } function f22() { var obj = FreeTextBox1_editor.document.body.style; obj.fontFamily = fontobj.fontname; obj.fontWeight = fontobj.isbold ? "bold" : "normal"; obj.fontStyle = fontobj.isitalic ? "italic" : "normal"; obj.fontSize = ConvertFontsize(fontobj.fontsize); obj.textDecoration = fontobj.isunderline ? "underline" : "none"; } function showSendSel() { var o = $("ocSendMsgDiv"); o.style.display = o.style.display == "block" ? "none" : "block"; } var shortcutstring = ""; function send_c_click(o, t) { var es = o.getElementsByTagName("div"); if (es && es[0]) es[0].className = "cur"; var shortcut1 = ""; if (t == 0) { o.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName("div")[0].className = ""; shortcut1 = "Enter"; } else { o.previousSibling.getElementsByTagName("div")[0].className = ""; shortcut1 = "Ctrl + Enter"; } if (shortcut == shortcut1) return; shortcut = shortcut1; shortcutstring = c21 + ":" + shortcut; f10(shortcutstring); f7(); } function send_c_over(o) { o.className = "over"; o.childNodes[0].className = ""; } function send_c_out(o) { o.className = ""; o.childNodes[0].className = "left"; } var lr_read_maxid = 0; var SendRead = function () { if (typeof (c137) != "undefined" && c137) { if (parseInt(MaxID) > parseInt(lr_read_maxid)) { newtext += ",ACT_RD|" + MaxID; lr_read_maxid = parseInt(MaxID) + 1; setTimeout("LR_Check_Read()", 1000); } } }; var LR_Check_Read = function () { if (isFocus&& timerID != null) { SendRead(); setTimeout("LR_Check_Read()", 1000); } }; function closeme(end) { if (c8 == null) return; if (end == 1) { if (pj == "" && c82) { pingjia(2); return; } else { if (!confirm(n0)) { return; } } f13(); } else if (end == 2) { if (!confirm(n0)) { return; } f13(); } wordscheckstring = null; if (Intervalid != null) { clearInterval(Intervalid); Intervalid = null; } if (timerID != null) { clearTimeout(timerID); timerID = null; } if (timerID_answermore != null) { clearTimeout(timerID_answermore); timerID_answermore = null; } EndCheckNum(); $("msgArea").innerHTML = $("msgArea").innerHTML.replace(/onclick/g, "ronclick"); f21(c0); if (c8 != null) { f20(c8, 1, "", true); c8 = null; f20('' + offbtn(), 1, "", true); } resize(); } function editclick(e) { if (f18_out() == c13) { f19("", false); } } function editfocus() { isFocus = true; SendRead(); } function editblur() { isFocus = false; var c = "a" + f18_out() + "b"; if (f18_out() == "" && f18().toLowerCase().indexOf("img") < 0) { f19(c13, false); } } function f20(html, type11, oname11, add, nMsgID) { html = getimghtml(html, type11, oname11); if (type11 > 1) newmsg(html, v3, oname11); //html = f20_1(html, type11, oname11, nMsgID); var eDom = f20_d(html, type11, oname11, nMsgID); if (eDom == null) return; if (!isFocus) { window.focus(); } if (add) { //$("msgArea").innerHTML += html; $("msgArea").appendChild(eDom); } else { //$("msgArea").innerHTML = html; $("msgArea").innerHTML = ""; $("msgArea").appendChild(eDom); } $("chatContent").scrollTop = 999999; setTimeout(' $("chatContent").scrollTop = 999999;', 700); } function f20_bak(html, type11, oname11, add, nMsgID) { html = getimghtml(html, type11, oname11); if (type11 > 1) newmsg(html, v3, oname11); html = f20_1(html, type11, oname11, nMsgID); if (!isFocus) { window.focus(); } if (add) { $("msgArea").innerHTML += html; } else { $("msgArea").innerHTML = html; } $("chatContent").scrollTop = 999999; setTimeout(' $("chatContent").scrollTop = 999999;', 700); } var s_tpc = 0; var currentimg; function closeimgdiv(id) { LR_m_f(LR_m_d, true, false, false); document.body.removeChild($("modalDiv_" + id)); } function imgclick(n, w, h) { var id = 'tp' + n; currentimg = id; LR_m_d = LR_m_e(true, false, true); if (w + 36 > getw()) w = getw() - 54; if (h + 52 > geth()) h = geth() - 52; AddmodalDiv(id, '
', w + 34, h + 32); } function f20_2_img1(obj) { if (obj.width <= 300) return; s_tpc++; var t = document.createElement("DIV"); var href = '' + c19[20] + '
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'; str += '
'; if (v3 != "") str += '
'; str += '
' + (ona ? '
' + ona + "
" : "") + '
'; str += f20_2_img(content); str += "
"; str += "
"; str += "
"; } else { var strMsgIDHtml = ""; var strWithDrawMsgHtml = ""; if (nMsgID) { if (nMsgID < nSendMsgID) { strMsgIDHtml = "id=\"lr_msg" + nMsgID + "\""; } else { strMsgIDHtml = "id=\"sending" + nMsgID + "\""; } if (typeof (c136) != "undefined" && c136) strWithDrawMsgHtml = ""; } str = '
'; str += '
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'; str += f20_2_img(content); str += "
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"; str += "
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' + (ona ? '
' + ona + "
" : "") + '
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'; if (v4 != "") strInnerHTML += '
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0 ? ("id=" + strSending) : "") + ' name="send_msg" style="float: right;font-size: 12px !important;transform: scale(0.7);margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom: -7px;margin-right: -10px;color: #6f7383;">' + (bsend_his ? w_arrived: w_sending) + '
'; strInnerHTML += "
"; strInnerHTML += strWithDrawMsgHtml; strInnerHTML += "
"; eDom.innerHTML = strInnerHTML; } return eDom; } function f20_11(html, type11, oname11) { if (type11 == 1) { html = '
' + html + "
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' + html + "
"; } else if (type11 == 3) { html = '
' + (oname11 ? '
' + oname11 + "
" : "") + '
' + html + "
"; } else if (type11 == 0) { html = '
' + html + "
"; } return html; } function if_src() { if (/rv:11.0;|SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return ""; } return 'src="about:blank"'; } function f21(html) { if (!isFocus) { window.focus(); } $("prompttop").innerHTML = " " + html; floatleft(html.length <= 35); } var Interval1 = null; function floatleft(a) { var b, c, d; return a && null != Interval1 ? (clearInterval(Interval1), Interval1 = null, void 0) : (b = $("prompttop"), c = b.parentNode, b.parentNode.style.overflow = "hidden", b.style.textOverflow = "", b.style.overflow = "visible", d = 1, Interval1 = setInterval(function () { var a, e, f; return 3 > d && d > 0 ? (d++ , void 0) : (a = b.scrollWidth, e = b.parentNode.clientWidth, f = c.scrollLeft, f = f ? f : 0, a > e + f ? (c.scrollLeft = f + 15, d = 0) : (c.scrollLeft = 0, d++), void 0); }, 700), void 0); } var serverkind = 0; var serverkindname = ""; function testclick(n, s) { serverkind = n; serverkindname = unescape(s.replace("+", " ")); if ($("servicekindlist") != null) $("servicekindlist").innerHTML = "


"; f21(c2.replace("%s1%", serverkindname)); } function showChatpre() { LR_m_d = LR_m_e(true, false, true); AddmodalDiv("Chatpreobj", chatpre_show_content, 450); f7(); } function closechat() { _BeforeWinExit = 1; window.location = "closeandcheckinvite.aspx?id=" + LR_siteid + "&sid=" + LR_sid + "&lng=" + lng + "&d=" + new Date().getTime(); } function f2(n) { if (n < 10) { return "0" + n; } else { return n.toString(); } } function GetNowTime() { var d = new Date(); return f2(d.getHours()) + ":" + f2(d.getMinutes()) + ":" + f2(d.getSeconds()); } function f14() { if (isstarted == 0) { f8("start"); return; } if (serverkindname != "") { newtext += ",ACT_SERVERKIND|" + serverkind + "|" + encodeURIComponent(serverkindname); serverkindname = ""; } if (GuestTel != "") { newtext += ",ACT_TEL|" + GuestTel; GuestTel = ""; } if (pj != "" && pj != "1") { newtext += ",ACT_PJ|" + pj; pj = "1"; } if (typeof reservecontent != "undefined" && reservecontent != "" && reservecontent != "1") { newtext += ",ACT_YY|" + reservecontent; reservecontent = "1"; } f8("check"); } var LRppid = ""; function showTime() { obj = $("pmtdiv"); if (obj.style.display == "none") { obj.style.display = ""; resize(); c113 = unescape(c113.replace(/\\+/g, "%20")); } $("pmtdiv1").innerHTML = c113.replace("%s%", c112.toString()); if (c112 == 0) { if (Intervalid != null) { clearInterval(Intervalid); Intervalid = null; } f8("end1"); } c112--; } var timerID_answermore = null; var _oname = null; var chated_own = 0; function autoanswermore() { if (c118 == "" || wordscheckstring == null) { if (timerID_answermore != null) { clearTimeout(timerID_answermore); timerID_answermore = null; } return; } if (c130 == 1) { if (LR_getCookie('chated') == '1') { if (chated_own == 0) return; } else { LR_SetCookie('chated', '1', 60); chated_own = 1; } } if (autoanswer0_time == 0) { timerID_answermore = setTimeout("autoanswermore()", 1e3); return; } var ntime = new Date().getTime(); var n = c118.indexOf(","); if (n > 0) { var s = c118.substring(0, n); var wtime = ntime - autoanswer0_time; var wtime1 = parseInt(s) * 1e3; if (wtime >= wtime1) { c118 = c118.substring(n + 1, c118.length); n = c118.indexOf("|"); var tt = c118.substring(0, n).replace(/\+/g, "%20"); c118 = c118.substring(n + 1, c118.length); var ka = tt.split("%7B%23%23%7D"); var kat = tt; if (ka.length > 1) { if (typeof (LR_skey) == "string" && LR_skey.length > 0) { if (ka[1].length > 0) kat = ka[1].replace(/%7Bkeyword%7D/g, LR_skey); else kat = ka[0]; } else { kat = ka[0]; } } addnewtext(",ACT_AR|" + kat); kat = decodeURIComponent(kat); f20(kat, 3, '', true); } } timerID_answermore = setTimeout("autoanswermore()", 1e3); } function addnewtext(_text0) { if (newtext1.indexOf(_text0) == -1) newtext1 += _text0; } function autoanswer() { if (parseInt(c93) > 0 && parseInt(autoanswer0_time) > 0 && new Date().getTime() - parseInt(autoanswer0_time) > parseInt(c93) * 1e3) { c93 = 0; var tt = c94; var ka = tt.split("{##}"); var kat = tt; if (ka.length > 1) { if (typeof (LR_skey) == "string" && LR_skey.length > 0) { if (ka[1].length > 0) kat = ka[1].replace(/{keyword}/g, decodeURIComponent(LR_skey)); else kat = ka[0]; } else { kat = ka[0]; } } addnewtext(",ACT_AR|" + escape(kat)); f20(kat, 3, c101 + " " + GetNowTime(), true); } if (parseInt(c95) > 0 && parseInt(autoanswer1_time) > 0 && new Date().getTime() - parseInt(autoanswer1_time) > parseInt(c95) * 1e3 * 60) { autoanswer1_time = 0; var tt = c96; var ka = tt.split("{##}"); var kat = tt; if (ka.length > 1) { if (typeof (LR_skey) == "string" && LR_skey.length > 0) { if (ka[1].length > 0) kat = ka[1].replace(/{keyword}/g, decodeURIComponent(LR_skey)); else kat = ka[0]; } else { kat = ka[0]; } } addnewtext(",ACT_AR|" + escape(kat)); f20(kat, 3, c101 + " " + GetNowTime(), true); } if (parseInt(c97) > 0 && parseInt(autoanswer2_time) > 0 && new Date().getTime() - parseInt(autoanswer2_time) > parseInt(c97) * 1e3 * 60) { autoanswer2_time = 0; var tt = c98; var ka = tt.split("{##}"); var kat = tt; if (ka.length > 1) { if (typeof (LR_skey) == "string" && LR_skey.length > 0) { if (ka[1].length > 0) kat = ka[1].replace(/{keyword}/g, decodeURIComponent(LR_skey)); else kat = ka[0]; } else { kat = ka[0]; } } addnewtext(",ACT_AR|" + escape(kat)); f20(kat, 3, c101 + " " + GetNowTime(), true); } if (parseInt(c99) > 0 && parseInt(autoanswer3_time) > 0 && new Date().getTime() - parseInt(autoanswer3_time) > parseInt(c99) * 1e3) { autoanswer3_time = 0; var tt = c100; var ka = tt.split("{##}"); var kat = tt; if (ka.length > 1) { if (typeof (LR_skey) == "string" && LR_skey.length > 0) { if (ka[1].length > 0) kat = ka[1].replace(/{keyword}/g, decodeURIComponent(LR_skey)); else kat = ka[0]; } else { kat = ka[0]; } } addnewtext(",ACT_AR|" + escape(kat)); f20(kat, 3, c101 + " " + GetNowTime(), true); } } var lurl = ""; var isstarted = 0; function start2(o) { autoanswer0_time = new Date().getTime(); LRppid = o[5]; LRppid = Hwd8F9(LRppid); if (o[0] != "1") timerID_answermore = setTimeout("autoanswermore()", 1e3); if (typeof (Xststartchat) != 'undefined') { Xststartchat(); } else if (typeof (SogouStartchat) != 'undefined') { SogouStartchat(); } else if (typeof (ALiOcpcStartchat) != 'undefined') { ALiOcpcStartchat(); } else if (typeof (OcpcTecentStartchat) != 'undefined') { OcpcTecentStartchat(); } StartCheckNum(); } function getReady(returnvalue) { sending = 0; var isstart = 0; if (returnvalue == "r") { if (sendingtext != "") sendingtext = ""; if (wordscheckstring != null) { clearTimeout(timerID); timerID = null; timerID = setTimeout("f14()", 2e3); } autoanswer(); return; } if (returnvalue == "" || returnvalue == null || returnvalue.indexOf("err") == 0) { if (returnvalue.indexOf("err4") == 0 && sendingtext.length > 20000) sendingtext = ""; if (wordscheckstring != null) { clearTimeout(timerID); timerID = null; timerID = setTimeout("f14()", 2e3); } autoanswer(); return; } isstarted = 1; var rr = returnvalue.split(","); for (w = 0; w < rr.length; w++) { if (rr[w] == "") { continue; } if (rr[w] == "noinput") { f10(shortcutstring == "" ? c15 : shortcutstring); continue; } var o = rr[w].split("|"); if (o.length > 1 && o[0] == "inputting") { f10(c86.replace("{0}", unescape(o[1].replace(/\+/g, "%20")))); continue; } if (o.length > 1 && o[0] == "upload") { if (o[1] == "ReceivingData") { continue; } uploading = false; return; } if (o.length != 6) continue; if (sendingtext != "") sendingtext = ""; o[1] = o[1].replace(/\+/g, "%20"); o[5] = o[5].replace(/\+/g, "%20"); o[1] = f15(unescape(o[1])); o[4] = o[4].replace(/\+/g, "%20"); o[4] = unescape(o[4]); o[5] = unescape(o[5]); if (o[0] == "-1") { if (timerID != null) { clearTimeout(timerID); timerID = null; } getReady("r"); _BeforeWinExit = 1; f21(o[1]); return; } if (o[3] != "") { if (o[4].indexOf("start") != 0) { if (wordscheckstring != null && wordscheckstring.indexOf("|" + o[3] + "|") != -1) { continue; } wordscheckstring += o[3] + "|"; MaxID = o[3]; } switch (o[2]) { case "1": if (o[1].toString().indexOf("%name%") > -1) { o[1] = o[1].toString().replace("%name%", "" + o[5] + ""); } f21(o[1]); break; case "17": uploading = false; f20(o[1], 2, "", true); break; case "16": uploading = false; o[1] = o[1].toString().replace("%c%", "" + c23 + ""); f20(o[1], 1, "", true); break; case "18": o[1] = o[1].toString().replace("%c%", "" + c23 + ""); f20(o[1], 2, "", true); break; case "43": pingjia(); break; case "37": var ooo = o[1].split("|"); for (ww = 0; ww < ooo.length; ww++) { ooo[ww] = ooo[ww].replace(/\+/g, "%20"); ooo[ww] = unescape(ooo[ww]); } if (ooo.length < 6) break; if (ooo[0].length > 0) title0 = window.document.title = ooo[0]; if (ooo[1].length > 0 && $("rightDiv1")) $("rightDiv1").innerHTML = SetLogo(ooo[1], ooo[2], "right"); if (ooo[3].length > 0) { l1 = ooo[3]; $("tbut2").style.display = ""; } if (ooo[4].length > 0) { l2 = ooo[4]; $("tbut3h").href = 'tencent://message/?uin=' + l2 + '&Site=&Menu=yes'; $("tbut3").style.display = ""; } if (ooo[5].length > 0) { v3 = ooo[5]; if ($("topimg")) $("topimg").src = v3; } break; case "46": LR_oname0530 = o[5]; YuYue(); break; case "50": IFrameOpen(o[1]); break; case "-3": c93 = -1; autoanswer3_time = 0; autoanswer2_time = autoanswer1_time = new Date().getTime(); o[5] = o[5].replace("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue", ""); if (o[5] == c85) o[1] = o[1] + RB1(); var _msg = CheckSendFormHis(o[1]); f20(_msg, 3, o[5] + "  " + o[0], true, o[3]); _oname = o[5]; play(); break; case "-2": var _msg = CheckSendFormHis(o[1]); try { if (o[3] != '') { if (parseInt(o[3]) > nSendMsgID) nSendMsgID = parseInt(o[3]) + 1; } } catch (e) { } f20(_msg, 2, "", true, o[3]); break; case "3": if (o[5] == "") break; if (chatendcheck && c112 > 0) { chatendcheck = 0; Intervalid = window.setInterval("showTime()", 1e3); } c93 = -1; autoanswer3_time = 0; autoanswer2_time = autoanswer1_time = new Date().getTime(); o[5] = o[5].replace("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue", ""); if (o[5] == c85) o[1] = o[1] + RB1(); var _msg = CheckSendForm(o[1]); f20(_msg, 3, o[5] + " " + GetNowTime(), true, o[3]); LR_Check_Read(); owordscount++; _oname = o[5]; play(); break; case "20": autoanswer3_time = 0; autoanswer2_time = autoanswer1_time = new Date().getTime(); f20(o[1], 0, "", true); break; case "4": autoanswer3_time = 0; autoanswer2_time = autoanswer1_time = new Date().getTime(); var oooo = o[1].split("|"); if (oooo.length == 2) { if (oooo[0] != "") { alert(unescape(oooo[0].replace(/\\+/g, "%20"))); } f8("end"); lurl = unescape(oooo[1]); if (lurl.substring(0, 9) == "transfer:") { lurl = lurl.substring(9, lurl.length); } else { lurl = "custom_url.aspx?url=" + unescape(oooo[1]); } setTimeout("window.location=lurl;", 1500); } else if (oooo.length == 1) { window.open(o[1], o[3], ""); } break; case "22": window.location = o[1]; break; case "-5": DeleteMsg(o[1]); break; case "-4": DeleteMsg(o[1]); break; default: break; } } switch (o[4]) { case "start": start2(o); isstart = 1; break; case "start1": c93 = 0; _oname = o[1]; start2(o); isstart = 1; break; case "restart": f8("start"); return; case "end": closeme(); return; case "print": f21(o[1]); break; case "direct": alert(o[1]); f21(o[1]); closeme(); return; case "exit": closeme(); return; } } if (sendingtext != "") { sendingtext = ""; } if (wordscheckstring != null) { clearTimeout(timerID); timerID = null; timerID = setTimeout("f14()", !isstart ? 2e3 : 1); } autoanswer(); } var GuestTel = ""; function Freecall() { if (wordscheckstring == null) return; OpenDialog("freecall_" + lng + ".aspx", 348, 230); } function Freecall1(guestname, tel) { GuestTel = encodeURIComponent(guestname) + "|" + encodeURIComponent(tel); } function f10(text) { if (text == "") { $("swtlogo").innerHTML = c15; return; } // if (c44) text = 'SSL 128 bit ' + text; if ($("swtlogo").innerHTML != text) $("swtlogo").innerHTML = text; } var clearhtml = false; function AddLine() { var doc = frames["FreeTextBox1_editor"].document, sel = doc.selection, rng; if (sel) { rng = sel.createRange(); rng.pasteHTML("
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' + excludeE(obj.innerHTML) + "
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【" + w_msg + "】
"; obj.style.display = "none"; } } } var DeleteMsg = function (strMsgID) { if (typeof (c136) != "undefined" && c136) { var eMsg = document.getElementById("lr_msg" + strMsgID); if (eMsg) { eMsg.querySelector(".text").innerHTML = "
【" + w_msg + "】
"; if (eMsg.querySelector(".chehui")) eMsg.querySelector(".chehui").style.display = "none"; } } }; var RemoveMsg = function (strMsgID) { var url = LR_sysurl + "NR/c_cancel.aspx?sid1=" + LR_sid; var poststr = "id=" + LR_websiteid.substr(3, 8) + "&sid=" + LR_sid + "&msgid=" + strMsgID + "&lng=" + lng + "&pp=" + LRppid; PostCall(url, poststr, SendMsgCallback); }; function User_Send(e) { var tempouttext = Trim(f18_out().replace(/\\n/g, "")); var temphtml = f15(f18()); if ((tempouttext == c13 || tempouttext == "") && temphtml.toLowerCase().indexOf("img") == -1) { f10(c4); f7(); return false; } var ml = 8e3; if (kindget == 1) ml = 2e3; var imgStr = temphtml.replace(/<\s?img.+?src=[\""]data:image\/png;base64,[^>]*>/gi, ""); if (escape(imgStr).length > ml) { f10(c120.replace("{0}", imgStr.length.toString())); return false; } if (v10) { f20(temphtml, 2, "", true); var bb = 'id=' + escape(LR_siteid) + '&sid=' + escape(LR_sid) + '&lng=' + escape(lng) + '&_text=' + encodeURIComponent(temphtml); LR_hcloopJS(LR_sysurl + 'lr/RobotCheck160728.aspx', bb); f19("", false); return; } if ((wordscheckstring == null || !c36) && c85 == null) { var txt = temphtml.replace(/
/g, '\r\n'); f19(txt, false); f19("", false); return; } if (wordscheckstring == null) return false; f19("", false); f7(); // if (LRppid) // { // if (typeof (XstSendmsg) != 'undefined') { XstSendmsg(tempouttext); } else if (typeof (SoGouSendmsg) != 'undefined') { SoGouSendmsg(tempouttext); }else if (typeof (ALiOcpcSendmsg) != 'undefined'){ALiOcpcSendmsg(tempouttext);} // } //if (newtext != "") { // newtext += "," + encodeURIComponent(temphtml); //} else { // presendtext += "," + encodeURIComponent(temphtml); //} //if (MaxID != 0) f20(temphtml, 2, "", true); SendMsg(encodeURIComponent(temphtml), nSendMsgID, tempouttext); f20(temphtml, 2, "", true, nSendMsgID); nSendMsgID++; if (c73 > -1 && pj == "") { c74++; if (c74 >= c73) pingjia(); } if (c93 == -1) autoanswer3_time = new Date().getTime(); clearTimeout(timerID_answermore); timerID_answermore = null; if (c134 > 0) { setTimeout('addnewtext(",ACT_AR|" + escape(c135));f20(c135, 3, _oname==null?c101:_oname + " " + GetNowTime(), true);', c134 * 1000); c134 = 0; } return true; } function HidePingjiaobj(end) { LR_m_f(LR_m_d, true, false, false); var div = $("modalDiv_Pingjiaobj"); div.style.display = "none"; if (end == 2) closeme(2); } var pj = ""; function pingjia(end) { if (wordscheckstring == null) return; var div = $("modalDiv_Pingjiaobj"); if (div != null && div.style.display != "none") return; LR_m_d = LR_m_e(true, false, false); if (div == null) { var mainhtm = '
' + n1 + "
" + c77 + "
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'?' : '&') + poststr, true); LR_xmlHttp.send(null) } } catch (e) { getReady('err3'); LR_xmlHttp = null } } function CallbackMethod() { if (LR_xmlHttp == null) { return } if (LR_xmlHttp.readyState == 0) { } else if (LR_xmlHttp.readyState == 1) { } else if (LR_xmlHttp.readyState == 2) { } else if (LR_xmlHttp.readyState == 3) { } else if (LR_xmlHttp.readyState == 4 || LR_xmlHttp.readyState == 'complete') { if (LR_xmlHttp.status == 200) { var response = LR_xmlHttp.responseText; getReady(response) } else { getReady('err4') } LR_xmlHttp = null } else if (LR_xmlHttp.status == 404) { getReady('err5'); LR_xmlHttp = null } else { getReady('err6'); LR_xmlHttp = null } } var LR_Talk_Form = function (lr_form_data) { if (lr_form_data != null) { var strFormHtml = LR_Talk_Form_Html(lr_form_data); if (strFormHtml.length > 0) { var eLR_FormCSS = document.getElementById("_lr_form_style"); if (!eLR_FormCSS) { eLR_FormCSS = document.createElement("style"); eLR_FormCSS.type = "text/css"; eLR_FormCSS.id = "_lr_form_style"; eLR_FormCSS.innerHTML = "._lr_form_body input[type='text']{width: 100%;height: 30px;border: 1px solid #e5e5e5;text-indent: 5px;border-radius: 4px;-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;}" + "._lr_form_body textarea{width: 100%;border: 1px solid #e5e5e5;padding: 5px;border-radius: 4px;height: 65px;resize:none;-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;}" + "._lr_form_body input[type='text']:hover, textarea:hover{border: 1px solid #dbdbdb;} " + "._lr_form_body input[type='text']:focus,._lr_form_body textarea:focus{border: 1px solid #5272e1;outline:none;color:#5272e1;}" + "._lr_form_error{border : 1px solid #e24443 !important;box-shadow : 0 0 5px 3px #ffdedc;} " + "._lr_form_select{width: 100%;height: 30px;border: 1px solid #e5e5e5;border-radius: 4px;color: #000;background: #FFF;z-index:100002;padding-left: 10px;box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;}" + "._lr_form_select.active{border: 1px solid #5272e1;border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;}" + "._lr_form_s{position: relative;width:100%;}" + "._lr_form_s img{position: absolute;top:2px;right:0px;padding: 5px;cursor: pointer;}" + "._lr_form_s ul{width: 100%;height: auto;border: 1px solid #5272e1;background: #fff;position: absolute;top: 30px;left: 0;border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;overflow: hidden;border-top: 0 none;display: none;margin-top: 0;padding: 0;z-index:100003;box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;}" + "._lr_form_s ul li{padding-left: 10px;line-height: 30px;list-style:none;}" + "._lr_form_s ul li.active{background: #5272e2;color:#FFF;}" + "._lr_form_s ul li:hover{background: #f7f7f7;color:#999999;}" + "._lr_form_body::-webkit-scrollbar {width: 6px;height: 6px;}" + "._lr_form_body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {border-radius: 8px;background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)}" + "._lr_form_body::-webkit-scrollbar-track {-webkit-box-shadow: none;border-radius: 8px;background-color: transparent;}"; document.body.appendChild(eLR_FormCSS); } strFormHtml = "
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